
Hi, so here I am writing my first blog. I know I’m a bit late to the party but I want to share my feelings on this important topic, as I feel it is often neglected in everyday news. I have decided to focus on telling you about various wildlife and conservation issues that have caught my attention. There will be the obvious topics covered, but I hope to raise awareness of other lesser-known endangered species that need just as much help as flagship wildlife like the rhino and tiger.

I have always had a love for wildlife. I grew up in a family of animal lovers and there wasn’t a time in my life where we didn’t have a pet, be it a cat; dog; rabbit; or rat; but I remember always being in awe whenever my sisters and I were taken to the zoo. Seeing animals in the flesh that I had only read about in books and seen on TV, was incredible. It was almost as if I couldn’t believe that they were real. I have never really grown out of this awe and I struggle to understand why anyone in the world would not feel the same way. Species that are struggling to survive are in this position due to the actions of man, be it directly or indirectly; so I think it is our responsibility to protect them. I am not a conservationist and I have no direct expertise in the field, I am just a passionate wildlife lover and this is my way of contributing. 976002_10201197695922259_1732407707_o

So if you are interested in joining me on spreading the word about issues facing various species, stay tuned for my first post about the most trafficked mammal in the world.




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